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I passed this smiling man on my way through the Matunga flower market today and had to take his photo. The phule wallas (flower sellers) had a lot of work to do over the past ten days, making giant flower garlands and the like for the Ganpatis. I think he was happy to just pass his time arranging flowers without the added festival pressure.
Wow great portrait.
It's like the man has no worries. Great smile.
And it was interesting to note the cellphones (I see two) around. Aren't they a bit expensive out there?
you can get new nokia's for 2000 rupees which is less than 50 dollars. and i am sure they are even cheaper than that used or from the black market.
it was just posted in the newspaper the other day how Delhi has 10 million cell phone subscribers and there are only 14 million people in the city - meaning pretty much 100% of people (excluding children which is the other 4 million i guess) have phones. but this doesn't take into account that many people have two phones - one for work, one for personal.
Love that shot. That man is beautiful.
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